United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland comprises four countries: England, Scotland, and Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively. London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. Other major cities include Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds and Liverpool. It's called UK, U.K. or Britan. London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. Buckingham Palace is the residence of the British royal family and is currently the largest royal palace in the world. University of Oxford, University of Cambridge are the most popular and famous universities in the world as well as United Kingdom (UK).
Some useful information of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Capital and largest city: London
Area: 2,42,495 sq.km
Population: 67.55 million (2019)(Approximately)
Currency: Pound sterling
Dialing code: +44
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: Boris Johnson:
Prime minister
U.K. Govt. ,
Departments, agencies and public bodies-GOV.UK
Data.gov.uk National Statistics: UK
List of States in UK:
List of world's famous universities in the United Kingdom (UK):
University of Oxford
Public Affairs Directorate
University Offices
Wellington Square
Oxford OX1 2JD
E-mail: public.affairs@admin.ox.ac.uk
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
The Old Schools
Trinity Lane
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1223 337733
University of Cambridge
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ, UK
Phone: +44 (0)20 7589 5111
Imperial College London
King?s College London
University College London
University of Glasgow
University of Manchester
University of Edinburgh
University of York
University of Southampton
University of Leeds
University of Bristol
University of Warwick
University of Sheffield
London School of Economics and Political Science
Queen Mary University of London
University of Essex
University of Surrey
Swansea University
University of Exeter
St George?s, University of London
Royal Holloway, University of London
Queen?s University Belfast
University of Reading
University of Stirling
Aston University
Brunel University London
City, University of London
University of Birmingham
Middlesex University
The Open University
Oxford Brookes University
Plymouth University
Soas, University of London
University of Strathclyde
University of St Andrews
University of Nottingham
University of Sussex
Lancaster University
University of Leicester
Cardiff University
Newcastle University
University of Liverpool
University of Aberdeen
University of Dundee
University of East Anglia
University of Bath
Northumbria University
University of Portsmouth
Ulster University
University of the West of Scotland
University of Bedfordshire
Bournemouth University
University of Bradford
Aberystwyth University
Anglia Ruskin University
Bangor University
Birkbeck, University of London
Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Goldsmiths, University of London
University of Kent
Loughborough University
Teesside University
University of the West of England
University of Westminster
University of Derby
London South Bank University
Edinburgh Napier University
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Greenwich
Robert Gordon University
Sheffield Hallam University
Heriot-Watt University
University of Oxford ,
University of Cambridge ,
University College London (UCL) London's Global University
Imperial College London ,
University of Edinburgh ,
List of popular Medical Schools in the United Kingdom(UK):
Brighton and Sussex Medical School - BSMS
Useful websites in the United Kingdom(UK):
University of Oxford ,
University of Cambridge Imperial College London
Royal Veterinary College
University of Hull
University of Salford
University of South Wales
University of Hertfordshire
Keele University
Liverpool John Moores University
University of Lincoln
Manchester Metropolitan University
Nottingham Trent University
University of Roehampton
Leeds Beckett University
University of Brighton
University of Central Lancashire
Coventry University
De Montfort University
University of East London
University of Huddersfield
Kingston University
Top 5 Medical Schools in the United Kingdom (UK):
1. University of Oxford
2. University of Cambridge
3. Queen Mary, University of London
4. University of Dundee
5. University of Exeter
List of Hospitals in United Kingdom (UK):
world class private hospital in the UK:
London Bridge Hospital
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Marsden Hospital
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS
Institute of Cancer Research Royal Cancer Hospital
BMI Health Care
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS
Nuffield Health Hospitals
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
North Bristol NHS
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS
University Hospital of South Manchester
University Hospital Southampton NHS
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust
Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Trust
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Leicester's Hospitals
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Royal Liverpool University Hospital
University Hospital Birmingham NHS
West Hertfordshire Hospitals
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Christ's Hospital
British Institute of Radiology
Wellington Hospital
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
Royal Hospital School
Poole Hospital NHS Trust
Holly House Hospital
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Highgate Hospital
Village of Bangladesh
Union Parishad ,
Upazila of Bangladesh
Municipality in Bangladesh ,
City Corporation ,
College ,
University ,
Ministers in Bangladesh ,
Abbreviation Bangladesh ,
General Knowledge
H.S. Code ,
Bank of Bangladesh ,
Newspaper of Bangladesh
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